Tesla’s Head Of Policy and Business Dev Leaves

Tesla’s head of policy and business development, Rohan Patel, has left the automaker and he is the second executive to...
Electrek 5:36 pm on April 15, 2024

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Tesla's Vice President of Public Policy and Business Development, Rohan Patel, announced his departure from the company after seven years. Patel joined Tesla in 2017 from Obama's White House. He led government relations and regulatory efforts at Tesla. No reason was given for his exit, and he does not seem to be joining a competitor. This news comes on the same day that Tesla announced more than 10% layoffs. The departures of Patel and another high-profile executive do not bode well for Tesla during this time of leadership change.

  • Rohan Patel, Vice President of Public Policy and Business Development at Tesla, has left the company.
  • Patel joined Tesla from Obama's White House in 2017.
  • He led government relations and regulatory efforts at Tesla.
  • No reason was given for his departure.
  • This news comes on the same day that Tesla announced more than 10% layoffs.


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