Tesla’s Strengths & Struggles, Kia Ev9 Review, Solar Boom in South America Top Cleantechnica Stories Of the Week

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CleanTechnica 5:01 am on April 21, 2024

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The text discusses Tesla's strengths and struggles, a review of Kia EV9, and the solar boom in South Africa. Tesla faces challenges in increasing production and meeting customer demand, but its strengths lie in innovation and brand loyalty. The Kia EV9 is praised for its design, range, and affordability. South Africa experiences a solar energy boom due to government incentives and decreasing costs.

  • Tesla deals with production challenges and high customer demand
  • Strengths include innovation and brand loyalty
  • Kia EV9 receives positive reviews for design, range, and affordability
  • South Africa experiences solar energy boom due to incentives and cost decreases


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