Tesla Lowers Price Of ‘full Self Driving’ to $8,000, Down from $12,000

The software, which CEO Elon Musk said would only get more expensive as it gets more capable, once cost as much as $15k.
Electrek 1:50 pm on April 21, 2024

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Tesla has lowered the price of its Full Self-Driving (FSD) software from $1,000 to $850 in the US and Canada. Tesla also removed Enhanced Autopilot as an option, making the upgrade cost $3,000 for existing Enhanced Autopilot owners. The price decrease comes after recent vehicle and FSD subscription service price reductions.

  • Tesla lowered the price of Full Self-Driving software to $850 in the US and Canada.
  • Enhanced Autopilot is no longer an option, upgrading from it costs $3,000.
  • Recent vehicle and FSD subscription service price reductions preceded this change.
  • This move may boost revenue for Tesla during difficult economic times.
  • The new FSD price is less than the cost of subscribing to the service for 6.5 years at $99/mo.


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