Tesla Fired Its Entire New Ad Team in Recent Layoffs

Tesla has fired its entire 40-person “growth content” ad team as part of its recent massive round of layoffs. The...
Electrek 7:46 pm on April 22, 2024

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Tesla recently fired its entire 40-person global growth content ad team as part of its layoffs. The team, led by Alex Ingra and Jorge Milbur, had only started in December and was responsible for Tesla's recent advertising efforts on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and traditional media. Elon Musk reportedly disliked the ads, which were too generic according to him. The timing of this decision comes amidst Tesla's sales slump and increasing controversy surrounding Musk's behavior on social media.

  • Tesla fired its entire global growth content ad team
  • The team, led by Alex Ingra and Jorge Milbur, was responsible for recent advertising efforts on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and traditional media
  • Elon Musk disliked the ads and reportedly found them to be too generic
  • The timing of this decision comes amidst Tesla's sales slump
  • Controversy surrounding Musk's behavior on social media is increasing


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