Tesla Ends Hiring Freeze, but Only for One Department

Tesla has evidently ended its hiring freeze that started last month with a series of layoffs, but it appears to...
Electrek 3:55 pm on May 23, 2024

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Following the end of Tesla's hiring freeze, new job listings have emerged within the Autopilot & Robotics division. This shift aligns with Elon Musk's vision to advance Tesla as an AI-centric company rather than solely an automaker.

  • End of Hiring Freeze: Tesla has begun posting new positions focused on Autopilot and Robotics, reversing the earlier freeze.
  • Emphasis on AI & Self-Driving Technology: Elon Musk's strategy indicates a shift towards prioritizing artificial intelligence and self-driving advancements over traditional automotive engineering.
  • Reduction in Workforce: Tesla executed layoffs, impacting approximately 15% of its employees.
  • Product Development Shift:: Investments were redirected from the $2000 vehicle program towards AI projects and Robotaxi unveiling in August.
  • Autonomous Driving Commitment: Tesla continues to explore autonomous driving solutions, necessary for future product offerings.


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