Tesla Semi Has Been Pushed ‘well Beyond Expectations’ by a New Customer

Tesla has delivered its Tesla Semi, an electric semi truck, to a new customer for a pilot program that has...
Electrek 8:06 pm on April 17, 2024

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Tesla has delivered its electric semi-truck, the Tesla Semi, to a new customer, Martin Brower (MB), a large logistics company specializing in restaurant supply chains. MB used two Tesla Semi trucks in a pilot program earlier this year, and the drivers reportedly had positive feedback on the vehicle's performance. Tesla Semi trucks can travel up to 500 miles with a full load and have features that increase driver visibility and safety. MB plans to review the results of the pilot program and electrify its fleet accordingly.

  • Tesla has delivered electric semi-trucks to Martin Brower for a pilot program
  • The pilots reportedly had positive feedback on the Tesla Semi's performance
  • Tesla Semi trucks can travel up to 500 miles with a full load
  • MB plans to review the results of the pilot program and electrify its fleet accordingly
  • The Tesla Semi has features that increase driver visibility and safety


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