Takeaways from the Kiwa Pvel 2024 Pv Module Reliability Scorecard

The 10th annual Kiwa PVEL PV Module Reliability Scorecard is out, with a record number of top-performing modulesThe 10th annual Kiwa PVEL PV Module Reliability Scorecard is out, with a record number of top-performing modules.
Solar Builder Magazine 4:59 pm on June 5, 2024

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The 2024 Kiwa PVEL scorecard reveals a record number of solar PV modules achieving 'Top Performer' status, with improved reliability metrics across various tests and module designs. However, concerns arise over early UV-induced degradation exceeding guarantees in some instances.

  • Record Number of Top Performers
  • Reliability Metrics Improved
  • Early UV Degradation Concerns
  • Module Design Influence


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