Switzerland's Solar Installations Hit 602 Mw in January April

Switzerland installed 602 MW of solar in the first four months of the year, bringing its total installed PV capacity to
PV Magazine International 11:47 am on June 5, 2024

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Switzerland saw over 602 MW of new solar installations from January-April, marking significant growth and projected cumulative capacity reaching roughly 6.8 GW by April's end; with large-scale systems dominating the trend, indicating accelerated market expansion towards greater PV deployment goals.

  • Market Growth: Switzerland installed over 602 MW of solar in Q1 2024, showing substantial growth.
  • Cumulative Capacity: The total installed PV capacity is projected to reach around 6.8 GW by April's end.
  • Large-scale Dominance: Majority of the new installations are larger systems, hinting at an uptick in market growth.
  • Future Projections: Switzerland is expected to reach more than 2 GW annual installation growth by 2024.


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