Spring Storms and Blackouts Spark Interest in Solar Batteries (2024)

If you live near the Front Range of the Rockies or on the Great Plains of northeastern Colorado, occasionally heavy winds are simply a part of life. In the spring of 2024, however, intense wind storms and subsequent electrical outages have led many locals to reconsider their energy security when planning for future instances of severe weather and potential interruptions in grid power services.  After gusts nearing 100 miles per hour blew through Boulder, Denver, and other Front Range towns this
Apollo Energy 6:25 pm on April 18, 2024

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In the spring of 2024, intense wind storms caused power outages for roughly 25,000 Xcel Energy customers in Colorado. With experts predicting more frequent and destructive weather events due to climate change, homeowners are seeking energy security solutions like solar batteries. Apollo Energy, a Denver-based B Corp solar company, has seen an increase in calls about battery installation. During power outages, solar panels with batteries can continue providing electricity. Solar battery incentives in Colorado and Wyoming include tax credits and Xcel Energy's Renewable Battery Connect Program, which offers rebates and energy sharing.

  • Intense wind storms caused power outages for 25,000 Xcel Energy customers in Colorado.
  • Experts predict more frequent and destructive weather events due to climate change, leading homeowners to consider energy security solutions like solar batteries.
  • Apollo Energy, a Denver-based B Corp solar company, has seen an increase in calls about battery installation.
  • During power outages, solar panels with batteries can continue providing electricity.
  • Solar battery incentives include tax credits and Xcel Energy's Renewable Battery Connect Program, which offers rebates and energy sharing.


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