Someone Tried to Smuggle Two Tesla Cybertrucks Into Russia

The Lithuanian customs have detained two Tesla Cybertrucks, which they suspect were going to be smuggled into RussiaThe Lithuanian customs have detained two Tesla Cybertrucks, which they suspect were going to be smuggled into Russia.
Electrek 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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A Lithuanian customs officer confiscated two Tesla Cybertrucks attempting to smuggle them into Russia, a significant action amid ongoing enforcement against vehicles en route from countries with sanctions.

  • Event: Confiscation of two Tesla Cybertrucks in Lithuania by customs officials.
  • Reason: The vehicles were believed to be smuggled into Russia, violating EU sanctions against Russian goods.
  • Tesla Cybertruck info: They are two separate units of the Cybertruck that hasn't been sold yet.
  • Current status: The exact status is unknown, but it adds to ongoing enforcement against smuggled goods from sanctioned countries.
  • Context: This follows other instances where Cybertruck reservation holders tried to sell their vehicles at elevated prices.

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