Solar to Save Groton Public Schools in Connecticut $40,000 in Energy Costs

Solar Builder Magazine 7:17 pm on May 23, 2024

Groton Public Schools, Connecticut, partnered with the Connecticut Green Bank's Solar MAP to install solar PV systems at two schools, saving $4,000 in annual energy costs. The collaboration streamlined the process and provided financial assistance through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Verogy executed these installations which are part of ongoing efforts towards sustainable education infrastructure.

  • Energy Cost Savings: Groton Middle School's and Mystic River Magnet School's solar PV systems save $4,000 annually.
  • Partnership with Green Bank: Utilized the Connecticut Green Banks Solar MAP to simplify and fund the installation of the solar panels.
  • Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): Financing for the systems was provided through a PPA, eliminating upfront costs and operational expenses.
  • Sustainable Education Initiatives: The projects are part of Groton Public Schools' commitment to environmental stewardship and renewable energy solutions for future generations.
  • Future Opportunities: Continuous exploration is being conducted for additional green energy installations, including potential upcoming projects at other schools in the district.

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