Solar Is a Battlefield: Combatting Community Opposition During Project Development

Uncover the reasons behind the opposition to large-scale solar projects across the United StatesUncover the reasons behind the opposition to large-scale solar projects across the United States.
Solar Builder Magazine 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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Susan Brown advocates for community engagement to overcome opposition against solar projects, emphasizing early contact with locals and combating misinformation. Her strategies include understanding local communities, maintaining transparency, and humanizing interactions while highlighting project benefits.

  • Community Engagement: Brown underscores the importance of engaging with community members early in solar projects to foster trust.
  • Transparency: She suggests transparent communication as a way to counter misinformation and build support.
  • Local Benefits: Understanding the specific interests of communities can help tailor projects for local gain.
  • Building Relationships: Forming long-term partnerships with community members is crucial, according to Brown.
  • Misinformation Management: Addressing misconceptions about solar energy from the outset can prevent resistance.

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