Skyborn Renewables Eyes 3gw Offshore Wind in Northern Sweden

Wind Power News 3:45 pm on June 3, 2024

Skyborn Renewables plans to construct a 3GW offshore wind farm, Polargrund, near the Arctic Circle in northern Sweden. Aiming for a first half-decade start, it seeks government permits and will supply power equating to 7% of Sweden's current electricity usage. The project supports Norrbotten industries transitioning towards renewable energy.

  • Skyborn Renewables: Proposed 3GW offshore wind farm - Polargrund in northern Sweden.
  • Power Production**: Projected to supply 7% of current Swedish electricity consumption.
  • Industrial Support**: Aids industries with electrification demands for sustainable fuels and fertilizers in Norrbotten.
  • Development Timeline**: Seeks permits, anticipated operation commencement within first half of the 2030s.

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