Sinovoltaics Maps Out Southeast Asian Pv Manufacturing Sites

The latest supply chain report from the Hong Kong-based technical compliance and quality assurance company covers the Southeast Asia region, providing information about 50 manufacturing sites.
PV Magazine International 4:52 pm on April 23, 2024

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Sinovoltaics, a Hong Kong-based technical compliance and quality assurance company, has published a new report detailing the size, location, ownership, and current and planned capacity of 50 PV manufacturing sites in Southeast Asia. The report covers manufacturers of modules, cells, wafers, ingots, polysilicon, and metallurgical-grade silicon in Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. Sinovoltaics has been tracking the development of PV manufacturing hubs and plans to update the list every 4 months.

  • Sinovoltaics releases new report on Southeast Asian PV manufacturing sites
  • Report documents information about 50 manufacturing sites in SE Asia
  • Coverage includes manufacturers of modules, cells, wafers, ingots, polysilicon, and metallurgical-grade silicon
  • Locations include Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam
  • Report is updated every 4 months

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