Sinovoltaics Charts Growth Of Pv Manufacturing in India

The latest supply chain report from the Hong Kong-based technical compliance and quality assurance company covers India,
PV Magazine International 6:44 am on May 15, 2024

** Sinovoltaics has published a report detailing the growth of PV manufacturing in India, identifying 116 sites across various locations. The white paper provides data on product type, plant size, and planned capacity for these factories through 2027, showcasing substantial investment by Indian companies such as Adani Sola and Mundra Solar Energy.

  • Report publication from Sinovoltaics
  • Indian PV manufacturing growth analysis with 116 identified sites
  • Detailed information on product types, sizes and planned capacities for the plants up to 2027
  • Significant investments by companies like Adani Sola, Mundra Solar Energy
  • Regular update cycle of every four months

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