Singapore Developer Planning 1 Gw Of Solar in Australia

The renewables arm of Singapore-based fund manager Cambridge RE Partners has unveiled plans for its first Australian
PV Magazine International 5:44 am on May 5, 2024

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Singapore's Cambridge RE Partners has announced plans to build a 300 MW solar farm in Upper Haughton, Queensland as the first stage of a larger renewable energy project. The project, named Cambridge Solar Farm, is expected to generate approximately 2.48 TWh of clean energy per year and create about 400 jobs. It is being developed across 6,000 hectares of former sugarcane land near Pacific Blues Haughton Solar Farm. Construction for the first stage is anticipated to start in 2022 with commissioning in late 2026.

  • Singapore's Cambridge RE Partners plan to build a 300 MW solar farm in Queensland, Australia.
  • The project, named Cambridge Solar Farm, is the first stage of a larger renewable energy project.
  • The solar farm is expected to generate about 2.48 TWh of clean energy per year and create around 400 jobs.
  • Construction for the first stage is anticipated to start in 2022 with commissioning in late 2026.
  • The project will be developed across 6,000 hectares of former sugarcane land near Pacific Blues Haughton Solar Farm.

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