Silfab's South Carolina Manufacturing Plans May Be in Jeopardy

Local news outlets are reporting that the zoning board for York County, South Carolina, has reversed its decision to
Solar Power World 5:15 pm on May 10, 2024

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Silfab's South Carolina manufacturing plans are jeopardized as the York County Board of Zoning Appeals reversed its decision, ruling solar operations to be within heavy industrial zones instead of light industrial. This decision followed concerns over chemical use and local pushback. Silfab faces potential relocation with established supply chains in place for a 1-GW project promising job creation and tax contributions.

  • York County zoning board reversal affects Solar Panel Manufacturer Silfab
  • Local opposition due to chemical use concerns; possible impact on community schools
  • Silfab's planned 1-GW factory could create 800 jobs and add $17 million in property taxes
  • Previous steps taken include glass supply contracts with SolarCycle, silicon wafer agreement for future production
  • Silfab to determine next actions after board decision; current status unspecified

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