Save $1,695 on Super73 Rx Electric Motorbike at $2,000, Best Buy 3 Day Ev Sale, Broil King Pellet Grill, and More Deals

Super73 RX Electric Motorbike now $1,695 off at new $2,000 low, Best Buy takes $400 off EVs in 3-day sale, Broil King
Electrek 7:58 pm on May 10, 2024

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This text details various new Green Deals for electric vehicles (EVs), accessories, charging stations, and energy-efficient products. Incentives include pre-order discounts, bundles with free items or services, and special offers from manufacturers like EGO, Juiced Jet, Aventon, Schwinn, Lectric Xpress, Greenworks, and more.

  • New Electric Vehicle Deals:
  • Juiced Foldable e-bike pre-order with a significant discount.
  • Free accessories with select EV models (EGO, Schwinn).
  • EV charging stations and additional equipment offerings at promotional prices.
  • Affordable eco-friendly gadgets like smart sprinkler controllers, power stations, water heaters, etc., on sale.

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