Sace and Partners Announce Electric Black Futures

In October 2023, the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy (SACE), along with our partners EVNoire and Clean Cities
SACE - Southern Alliance 11:26 pm on May 21, 2024

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SACE announces Electric Black Futures project, aiming to empower underserved Black communities in Georgia with equitable electric mobility solutions through community engagement and research. Part of SACE's Electrify the South program, it will develop strategic plans for funding and job training, addressing environmental injustices since early childhood.

  • Community Empowerment:
  • Georgia Focus: Supporting Black communities in Alban, Atlanta, and Savannah.
  • Strategic Planning for Funding & Training:
  • Research and Advocacy Roots: Based on a lifelong dedication to environmental justice.
  • SACE's Electrify the South Program: Accelerating equitable electric transportation transition.

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