Researchers Build 24.4% Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells With Room Temperature Process

Researchers from the U.SResearchers from the U.S.
PV Magazine International 11:47 am on June 4, 2024

Researchers have developed high-efficiency perovskite solar cells at room temperature without thermal annealing, achieving 24.4% efficiency with organic linker addition and demonstrating the potential for integration on non-traditional substrates like plant leaves.

  • Innovative Manufacturing: Organic linker incorporation during room temperature film creation.
  • Efficiency Milestone: Recorded efficiency of over 24% surpasses previous low-temperature processes.
  • Non-Traditional Substrate Application: Successful integration on unconventional substrates like plant leaves.
  • Future Research Directions: Development of semi-transparent solar cells and indoor PV technology for renewable energy applications.

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