Research Supports Health Benefits Of Act for Chicago Metro Communities

By Neda DeylamiBy Neda Deylami.
Energy Exchange 9:10 pm on May 16, 2024

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At NAFA 202, advocacy for Advanced Clean Trucks (ACT) rule aims to significantly reduce the health impacts of medium and heavy-duty vehicles in the Chicago Metro area. An analysis by EDF and Northwestern University demonstrates substantial benefits if implemented starting from 2027: reducing NO2 concentrations, decreasing asthma cases, particularly among communities of color, despite their higher pollution burden. The ACT rule's impact would align with Illinois' goal to transition its fleet towards zero-emission trucks and buses, improving overall air quality and public health in the region.

  • Health Impact: EDF and Northwestern research predict a decrease in NO2 levels by up to 18% and a reduction of asthma cases.
  • Community Disparity Addressing: Communities of color, who experience disproportionate pollution exposure, stand to benefit significantly from ACT implementation.
  • Policy Influence: The findings support the urgency for Illinois state governance to adopt stricter emissions regulations like the ACT rule.
  • Zero-Emission Transition Goals: The ACT rule contributes towards achieving zero-emission truck and bus fleet in the region.
  • Research Collaboration: EDF's partnership with Northwestern University underscited the analysis' robustness, highlighting its significance for policymaking.

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