Report: Improving Roi on Customer Solar and Storage Projects in 2023

Solar Builder Magazine 12:24 am on June 3, 2024

The 2023 U.S. Solar and Storage Market Intelligence Report by Enact shows an improving ROI for solar and storage due to declining hardware prices, increasing utility rates despite the transition from NEM 2.0 to NEM 3.0 in California, and a rise in consumer energy consumption with higher pre-project electric bills. The report emphasizes diverse residential solar options, complexity in choice due to varied brand offerings and installer services, and the critical role of Enact's platform for advisory guidance amidst market complexities.

  • Market Improvement: The 2023 U.S. Solar and Storage Market Intelligence Report indicates a positive ROI trend due to falling hardware costs, increased utility rates post-NEM transition.
  • Diverse Solutions: Enact's platform offers numerous brand options for solar+storage systems, highlighting the complexity in selection and need for reliable advisor services.
  • Consumer Changes: Average residential pre-solar electric bills have increased by 5%, with rising consumer energy usage driving demand for renewable solutions.
  • Platform's Role: Enacts innovative platform has contributed to the significant growth in proposed solar and storage projects, emphasizing its advisory role amid market complexities.
  • Economic Shifts: The transition from NEM 2.0 to NEM 3.0 is occurring despite California's move towards renewable energy, yet it has contributed to a better ROI for solar and storage investments due to increased utility rates.

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