Renewables Hit Record Levels in Australia As Electricity Demand Rises

A new report by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) shows the nation's clean energy transition is gathering pace with renewables, including large-scale and rooftop solar.
PV Magazine International 4:52 pm on April 23, 2024

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The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) reported a record-breaking first quarter for renewable energy generation, which accounted for 39% of the National Electricity Market (NEM) and 39.1% in Western Australia's Wholesale Electricity Market. Solar (grid-scale and rooftop) and wind saw the most significant increases, with grid-scale solar hitting a new first quarter record of 1,640 MW. Renewables, including batteries, controlled 57% of the frequency control ancillary services (FCAS) market share. Heatwave conditions caused electricity demand to reach record highs, averaging 2,552 MW across the quarter. Queensland experienced the highest operational demand at 1,005 MW, while rooftop PV output in Queensland and New South Wales hit their highest levels ever.

  • Record-breaking first quarter for renewable energy generation in Australia
  • Renewables accounted for 39% of the NEM and 39.1% in Western Australia's WEM
  • Grid-scale solar had the greatest increase, setting a new first quarter record of 1,640 MW
  • Renewables controlled 57% of the FCAS market share
  • Heatwave conditions led to record high electricity demand, averaging 2,552 MW across the quarter

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