Rwe Commits to 1.6gw Offshore Wind in German North Sea

Wind Power News 4:06 pm on May 28, 2024

RWE has committed to developing a 1.6GW offshore wind project, Nordseecluster, comprising 660MW and 900MW wind farms in the North Sea near Juist island. Vestas will supply turbines for this initiative, aimed at supporting industrial customers' decarbonisation efforts. Construction began on components and is expected to start next year with turbine commissioning by 2027.

  • RWE commits to 1.6GW Nordseecluster wind project.
  • Vestas supplying turbines for two 660MW and 900MW farms.
  • Construction in progress on components, with completion by 2027.
  • Wind energy to aid industry decarbonisation.
  • Supporting industrial customers through tailored energy solutions.

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