Res Selected for O&m at Repsol Texas Solar Facility

RES has been selected by Repsol to provide O&M services at Repsol's 637 MW Frye Solar facility in Kress, TexasRES has been selected by Repsol to provide O&M services at Repsol's 637 MW Frye Solar facility in Kress, Texas.
Solar Industry 9:08 pm on May 6, 2024

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This article highlights RES, selected for O&M at Repsol Texas Solar Facility, providing comprehensive services to ensure facility safety and performance. The acquisition of Ingeteam's renewable service division broadens operations across 24 markets, enhancing strategic positioning in the solar industry.

  • Key Solar O&M Contract: RES chosen by Repsol for comprehensive balance of systems (O&M) services at a substantial 637 MW facility.
  • Market Expansion: Acquisition of Ingeteam's renewable service division increases reach across 24 markets.
  • Industry Impact: Demonstrates RES's commitment to supporting sustainable energy projects and community benefits.
  • SEO Relevance: Provides insights into strategic partnerships, market growth, and solar industry operations for SEO practitioners.
  • Technology & Trends: Reflects current technologies in the solar sector through RES's expertise.

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