Quidnet's Solution Is Probably More Short Lived Sand Mining Than Energy Storage

Quidnet's geomechanical energy storage takes a basic observation from the oil industry and exploits it for a
CleanTechnica 3:45 pm on June 3, 2024

A panorama image depicts a high-pressure pump, large pond, and substantial sand mound. The narrative suggests short-term impact from Sand Mining compared to Energy Storage prospects by 2024.

  • Highlighted Scene: Panel capturing a landscape with industrial elements.
  • Energy vs. Environmental Impact Debate: Suggests sand mining has a brief-lived influence versus long-term energy storage solutions.
  • Timeframe Reference: Mentions June 2024 as the context for discussion on energy storage advancements.
  • Commenter's Name: Michael Barnard, who has one comment about this scenario.


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