Queensland Government to Fuel States Transition to Renewable Energy With $26bn Investment

Premier Steven Miles will announce state's largest ever investment in green power ahead of next week's budget
The Guardian Renewable Energy 4:59 pm on June 5, 2024

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Queensland Premier Steven Miles is to unveil a $26bn renewable energy investment, marking the state's largest-ever commitment and surpassing earlier plans. This funding supports transition from fossil fuels by allocating funds towards solar power, storage projects, and grid infrastructure enhancements.

  • Largest Renewable Energy Investment: Premier Steven Miles announced a $26bn investment plan for Queensland's renewables sector.
  • Renewable Energy Targeting: The state targets 75% carbon reduction by 2035 and significant renewable energy development through identified zones.
  • Funding Distribution: $16.5bn for renewables, $8.5bn SuperGrid including CopperString, and funds for network batteries and local grid solutions.
  • Economic Impact: Expected to create jobs, stimulate industry innovation, and reduce fossil fuel dependence in Queensland's economy.

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