Photovoltaic Water Pumping Based on Open Ended Winding Induction

Indian scientists have designed a water-pump drive system that is powered exclusively by photovoltaics. The proposed system configuration reportedly ensures effective use of both the solar modules and the motor.
PV Magazine International 5:37 pm on April 23, 2024

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The text describes a novel PV-powered open-ended winding induction machine (OWIM) developed by Indian researchers for agriculture water pumping applications. The OWIM system, which features separate endpoints for each phase and eliminates the need for large strings, enhances solar system performance and reduces costs. Numerical modeling using MATLAB revealed improved system simplicity and cost-effectiveness, though torque rippling was observed under reduced insolation conditions.

  • Researchers from India designed a PV-powered OWIM for agriculture water pumping
  • OWIM configuration facilitates flexible motor control and optimum solar panel arrangements, reducing the need for large strings and DC linking capacitances
  • Modeling results show improved system simplicity and cost-effectiveness, as well as some torque rippling under reduced insolation conditions
  • MPPT controller utilizing PWM and MPSO algorithms optimizes power extraction from the solar source for efficient utilization
  • The switching algorithm calculates gating times for top switches of one inverter, with the second inverter's triggering time used to determine its gating period

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