Phoenix Opens New, Energy Efficient Public Safety Building Following 2020 Wildfire

Photo by Jesi B. Photography The City of Phoenix has opened a new 20,000-square-foot government building…
Energy Trust Blog 6:38 pm on May 28, 2024

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Phoenix opens new 2,000 sq ft energy-efficient public safety building post 2020 wildfire. The City of Phoenix collaborated with Energy Trust for innovative design features like variable refrigerant flow ductless HVAC system and LED lighting to save energy costs. This aligns with efforts to support communities in Oregon through improved resilience during disasters, offering cash incentives and solar/battery storage solutions.

  • Building: Phoenix's new public safety facility emphasizes energy efficiency.
  • Collaboration: Energy Trust of Oregon contributed to the design for sustainable practices.
  • Energy-Saving Features: Innovative HVAC and LED lighting installations for reduced energy consumption.
  • Disaster Resilience Support: Energy Trust assists communities in Oregon with rebates, solar/battery storage post-disasters.
  • Energy Cost Reduction: Implemented energy savings for ongoing cost reductions and funding availability.

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