Perovskite Solar Cell Modified With Potassium Trifluoromethanesulfonate Achieves 23.96% Efficiency

A Chinese research team has modified the absorber of a conventional perovskite solar cell with potassium
PV Magazine International 8:16 am on June 6, 2024

A potassium trifluoromethanesulfonate (KTFS) additive enhances the performance and stability of perovskite solar cells. The research shows a 23.96% efficiency with reduced lead impurities, no bandgap alteration, lower hysteresis index, and improved long-term durability.

  • KTFS additive improves perovskite solar cell performance.
  • Stable high efficiency of 23.96% achieved with KTFS.
  • Reduced lead impurities, lower hysteresis index, and enhanced durability.
  • No change to the bandgap despite incorporating potassium ion.

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