Penske Joins Powering Americas Commercial Transportation (pact) As Charter Member

Penske Joins Powering America's Commercial Transportation (PACT) as Charter MemberPenske represents the voice of
CleanTechnica 12:15 am on May 14, 2024

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Penske Electric Vehicles join Powering Commercial Transportation (PACT) as a charter member, committing to eco-friendly practices in Stockton, California.

  • Charter Member Initiative: Penske's participation in the PACT program highlights commitment to sustainable transportation.
  • Location Focus: The initiative operates specifically in Stockton, California, demonstrating regional eco-friendly efforts.
  • Program Background: PACT is dedicated to advancing electric charging infrastructure for commercial transportation.
  • Date of Announcement: The commitment was announced on May 1, 2 Written Summary for "Penskes Electric Vehicles Charging in Stockto, California" Penske Joins Powering S Commercial Transportation (PACT) as Charter Member May 1, 2024 1 hour ago Press Release 1 Comment - Penske's collaboration with PACT underscores their dedication to sustainability in the transport sector. - This initiative reflects a regional investment into green technology adoption and infrastructure in Stockton, California. - The announcement marks Penske as an active participant in shaping eco-friendly commercial vehicle standards nationally. - Charging stations are part of the broader PACT efforts to promote electric vehicle (EV) use among businesses. - Establishment date May 1, 2024, indicates Penske's ongoing commitment to environmental responsibility and innovation in transportation.
    • Collaborative Effort: Penske Electric Vehicles align with PACT, a consortium focused on electric commercial vehicle infrastructure.
    • Regional Commitment: The initiative's Stockton location signifies targeted regional efforts toward sustainable transportation in California.

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