Passive Solar Tracker Wind Stowing Boosts Energy Production

PV Magazine International 12:34 pm on May 9, 2024

In May 2024, Array Technologies developed an innovative passive stowing system for utility-scale solar tracker arrays to reduce energy production losses during high wind events. This approach contrasts with conventional active stow methods by allowing most of the rows to track normally when a wind event triggers stowing, leading to only minor alignment disruptions (0.05% annual energy loss). The study showed passive stowing outperforms traditional methods, which can lead to significant operational inefficiencies and financial losses due to extreme weather events.

  • Passive Stow System Development: Array Technologies introduced a novel passive stowing system for utility-scale solar tracker arrays.
  • Wind Event Mitigation: The passive strategy allows most rows to maintain tracking during wind events, with minimal production disruptions.
  • Energy Loss Comparison: Passive stowing results in a lower annual energy loss (0.05%) compared to conventional active methods (up to 4.3%).
  • Risk Reduction and Efficiency Maintene
    • Development of Passive Stow System for Solar Tracker Arrays
    • Minimized Disruptions During High Wind Events
    • Reduced Annual Energy Losses Compared to Active Methods
    • Improved Operational Efficiency and Risk Mitigation
    • Enhances Predictability in Energy Production Forecasts
    The appropriate categories for this text are: Renewable energy technologies (Solar)

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