Paradise Energy Solutions Completes 1 Mw Solar Rooftop Project for Ag Equipment Provider

Messick Farm Equipment, a provider of agricultural equipment and services in central Pennsylvania and beyond, has made a
Solar Power World 7:07 pm on May 21, 2024

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Paradise Energy Solutions installs 1.07-MW solar system for Messick Farm Equipmen, reducing energy costs and contributing to Pennsylvania's agricultural sector development through renewable energy investment. The company praised the collaboration and swift response from Paradise Energy Solutions during installation.

  • Solar System Installation: Over 200 panels were installed at Messick Farm Equipmen's headquarters.
  • Cost Savings & Service Expansion: Reduced electricity costs enabling reinvestment into farm services.
  • Collaboration Praise: Excellent partnership with quick response team.
  • Renewable Energy Investment: The initiative supports Pennsylvania's agricultural sector through green technology.
  • Energy Intensive Operations: Messick Farm Equipmen benefits significantly from renewables in high-energy use environments.

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