Overview Of Emil Otto Solar Panel Cleaning Agents

Solar Builder Magazine 5:53 pm on May 29, 2024

Overnview: Emil Otto is expanding its solar panel cleaning agent range, with four new products (EO-SMC-001 to 04) for efficient and environmentally friendly cleaning of photovoltaic modules. The range includes VOC-free, pH neutral, and lichen removal formulations.

  • Emil Otto introduces new solar panel cleaning agents (EO-SMC-001 to 04) for improved module cleanliness.
  • The products feature VOC-free and pH neutral cleaning solutions, suitable for various types of soiling.
  • Formulations are designed with environmental considerations in mind, avoiding flammable or corrosive substances.
  • They offer efficient removal of dirt, lichen, moss, algae, and saline residues without impact on ecology.
  • Availability includes North America with a focus on utility-scale solar installations for easier maintenance.
Category: - Solar === Overnview: Emil Otto introduces a new range of cleaning agents (EO-SMC-001 to 04) designed specifically for photovoltaic modules, providing various formulations that cater to different soiling challenges without harmful environmental impacts. These products aim at improving the efficiency and longevity of solar installations through effective cleaning solutions.
  • Emil Otto expands its product line with four new cleaning agents for PV modules (EO-SMC-001 to 04).
  • The products are developed without volatile organic compounds, and maintain neutral pH levels.
  • They cater to a wide range of soiling issues including lichen removal.
  • Formulated for environmental safety and eco-friendlininate cleaning.
  • Intended primarily for utility solar installations, offering practical solutions for maintenance.


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