Optimising the Role Of Public Finance Will Advance Universal Energy Access

Latest News 7:45 pm on April 16, 2024

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The text discusses the role of public finance in achieving universal energy access, focusing on the challenges and solutions in enhancing this role. IRENA convened a roundtable session during its 14th Assembly to explore new avenues for cooperation and presented a new brief titled "Public Finance for Universal Energy Access." The brief identifies priority areas for public finance investments, including electricity (stand-alone systems, mini-grids) and productive use applications, as well as clean cooking (improved cookstoves, biogas/biofuels, solar/electric solutions). Public finance can support research and development, local capacity building, create jobs, bridge affordability gaps, and mitigate investment risks.

  • IRENA's roundtable session discussed enhancing public finance roles in achieving universal energy access.
  • A new brief titled "Public Finance for Universal Energy Access" was presented, focusing on electricity and clean cooking investments.
  • Public finance can support research, local capacity building, create jobs, bridge affordability gaps, and mitigate investment risks.
  • The discussion highlighted sectors like education, agriculture, and health as areas where public finance could make substantial impact.
  • "Public Finance for Universal Energy Access" brief was introduced to guide policymakers and financiers in optimizing financing.


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