One Big Chart: How Does the Cost Of Nuclear Power Compare to Renewables

Peter Dutton has suggested Australia should build large-scale nuclear reactors, but CSIRO's GenCost report shows the
The Guardian Renewable Energy 3:55 pm on May 23, 2024

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Peter Dutton advocates for Australia to build nuclear reactors, but a CSIRO GenCost report shows renewable energy (solar and wind) is cheaper than nuclear. The estimated costs are $141-233/MWh for nuclear and $73-$128/MWh for renewables. Nuclear's higher cost reflects established industry requirements, with actual prices likely to exceed these estimates.

  • Advocacy for nuclear energy by Peter Dutton
  • CSIRO GenCost report analysis of costs
  • Nuclear power estimated cost significantly higher than renewables ($141-233/MWh vs. $73-$128/MWh)
  • Higher initial costs for nuclear due to established industry norms
  • Solar and wind power present as economically viable alternatives

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