No More Funding Forests in Cambodia: Interface Is Ending Offsets to Go Carbon Negative

The carpet company says its carbon-negative manufacturing means it can stop buying CO2 credits.
Greenbiz 5:44 am on May 5, 2024

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Interface, a global flooring manufacturer, announced its plan to become carbon negative by 2030, eliminating the need for offsets. The company has already reduced its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 94% since 1994. To reach carbon negativity, Interface will focus on product innovation using recycled materials, expanding circular business models, and reducing emissions in its supply chain.

  • Interface aims to become carbon negative by 2030 without using offsets
  • The company has already reduced Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 94% since 1994
  • Product innovation includes using recycled materials and expanding circular business models
  • Reducing emissions in the supply chain is a key focus area
  • Interface has eliminated virgin oil from its raw materials

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