Nigeria to Deploy 250 Mw Of Distributed Solar

Nigeria's Rural Electrification Agency is partnering with Husk Power Systems for interconnected minigrids and isolated
PV Magazine International 12:52 pm on May 23, 2024

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The Nigerian Rural Electrification Agency (REA) partners with Husk Power Systems to deploy 250 MW of decentralized renewable energy projects, including interconnected and isolated mini-grids, rooftop solar solutions for commercial and industrial use, and the PUE initiative. The collaboration will introduce innovative models like VPPs, facilitate efficient appliance sales, financing, and promote energy efficiency through community services.

  • Partnership between REA & Husk Power for 250 MW DRE projects
  • Diverse deployment across Nigerian communities
  • Innovative models and community services integration
  • Efficient energy appliance sales, financing and promotion
  • DARES Project with World Bank funding

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