Nexamp Fellowship Program in Chicago Preps Students for Solar Careers

Nexamp's solar training fellowship program in partnership with City Colleges of Chicago provides skills for a career in
Solar Builder Magazine 5:44 am on May 5, 2024

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Nexamp, a community solar powerhouse, launched a new fellowship program in partnership with the City Colleges of Chicago to provide underrepresented populations with a pathway into renewable energy careers. The eight-week program includes training in solar technology, construction, project management, safety, interviewing, and office skills. Fellows will explore various opportunities within Nexamp and industry positions to determine the best fit for them. Marion Jones, Vice President of Workforce Development and DEIJ Engagement at Nexamp, expressed the company's commitment to making clean energy accessible and creating equal opportunities in the industry. Chicago was chosen as Nexamp's second national headquarters due to its investment of over $2 billion in the region for clean energy expansion. Fellows attend training two days a week and receive hourly compensation during the program, with priority consideration for open positions at Nexamp upon completion.

  • Nexamp launched a fellowship program in Chicago to prepare underrepresented populations for renewable energy careers
  • 8-week program includes training in solar technology, construction, project management, safety, interviewing, and office skills
  • Fellows explore various opportunities within Nexamp and industry positions
  • Marion Jones emphasizes Nexamp's commitment to equal opportunities and making clean energy accessible
  • Chicago chosen as second national headquarters due to $2 billion investment in clean energy expansion

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