New Study Outlines Renewables Plan for India

A new study by Indian government think tank NITI Aayog outlines the renewable energy potential for all states to meet
PV Magazine International 11:47 am on June 4, 2024

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A study by NITI Aayog for India outlines a plan to fulfill the renewable purchase obligations (RPO) target of states through large-scale solar, wind, hydroelectric power, and storage capacity up until 2030. The report suggests an annual RE installation requirement of around 49 GW in the next seven years for meeting RPOs.

  • Renewable energy potential: NITI Aayog's study highlights Indias renewable energy capacity needed to meet state-level RPO targets.
  • Installation requirements: To fulfill the obligations, an estimated 48.5 GW of RE needs to be installed annually until 2030.
  • Storage capacity needed: The study indicates a requirement for about 59.73 GW storage across solar and pumped hydro storage systems.
  • Investment estimation: It projects an investment range of INR 18.55-24.9 lakh crore to achieve the target by 2030.

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