New Solar Equipment Recycling Center Opens in Texas today opens its new recycling center in Breckenridge, today opens its new recycling center in Breckenridge, Texas.
Solar Power World 12:53 pm on May 23, 2024

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The Texas-based solar recycling facility opened by, owned and operated by Kelly Pickerel of SPW, can now fully recover and reuse various components such as panels, inverters, cables, and batteries. The center will serve as a regional hub for the industry's lifecycle management while aiming to contribute significantly to sustainability.

  • inaugurates Texas recycling facility.
  • Facility specializes in comprehensive recovery and reuse of solar components like panels, inverters, cables, and batteries.
  • The center is positioned as a regional epicenter for the management of the entire lifecycle of solar products.
  • Sustainable operations are integral to its mission.
  • Kelly Pickerel's expertise at SPW underlines industry leadership in renewable energy practices.

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