New Pv System Design Strategy Avoids Oversizing, Curtailment

A group of scientists in Thailand has outlined a new approach to avoid oversizing and overvoltage in energy markets
PV Magazine International 11:17 am on May 14, 2024

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New PV system design strategy mitigates oversizing, curtailment by applying volt-watt droop control. Researchers suggest avoiding overvoltage-induced curtailment can reduce NPV and increase LCOE but improves SCR & SSR rates. The study evaluates four scenarios with varying PV installation numbers and locations for grid-connected residential photovoltaic systems, considering the economic trade-offs of voltage thresholds.

  • Implementation of volt-watt droop control in new PV designs
  • Research findings show potential reduction in net present value (NPV) and increase in levelized cost of electricity (LCOE), while improving short-circuit ratio (SCR) and solar fraction (SSR)
  • Comparison across four scenarios, differing in PV count and placement for residential systems
  • Critical evaluation of economic implications due to varying voltage thresholds
  • Published study details: Techno-economic assessment considering overvoltage-induced generation curtailment
The appropriate categories are Solar and Renewable policy and incentives.

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