New England Solar Installer Isun Files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

Vermont-based solar installer iSun filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the District of Delaware on June 3Vermont-based solar installer iSun filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in the District of Delaware on June 3.
Solar Power World 8:16 pm on June 5, 2024

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iSun Solar Inc., a New England solar installer, has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy on June 3, 2024. The company is restructuring with new leadership and initiatives to correct its course after being acquired in 2021 by The Peck Company Holdings.

  • Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Filing: iSun Solar Inc., a New England solar company, filed for bankruptcy on June 3, 2024.
  • Acquisition and Restructuring: The Peck Company Holdings acquired iSun in 2021. They have initiated restructuring measures, including new leadership and executive team changes.
  • Uncertain Future: The bankruptcy filing leaves the future of iSun Solar Inc.'s operations unclear.
  • Industry Context: This event occurs against a backdrop of industry challenges such as solar tariffs and changing energy landscapes.

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