Nevados Earns Top Marks in Independent Ranking Of Solar Trackers

Nevados All Terrain solar tracker improves installation efficiency, according to a new study by third-party firm Eclipse
Solar Builder Magazine 12:36 pm on May 9, 2024

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Nevados All-Terrain solar tracker outperforms competitors, requiring fewer work hours for installation and allowing flexibility in site conditions. The product's adaptability extends to accommodating supply chain changes like panel size differences without major rework. This innovation ensures efficient project execution through strategic material handling, collaboration with EPC providers, and a centralized component fabrication facility.

  • Leading solar tracker: Nevados All-Terrain outperforms peers in efficiency and installation time.
  • Flexible design advantages: Able to adapt to varied site conditions, supply changes without extensive modifications.
  • Strategic material handling and EPC collaboration: Improves construction speed through coordinated efforts with equipment providers.
  • Centralized fabrication location: Nevados' in-house steel fabrication ensures stable supply chains.
  • Cost and time savings: Reduced material handling preparation time contributes to project efficiency gains.

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