Mooring System Design for Offshore Floating Photovoltaics

Researchers in China have compared the performance of catenary and taut mooring systems for offshore floating PV systems. They found that the taut system offers a higher degree of reliability in shallow water environments with severe tidal variations.
PV Magazine International 6:25 pm on April 18, 2024

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Researchers at the Ocean University of China compared catenary and taut mooring systems for offshore floating PV in ultra-shallow waters. Taut systems, which utilize synthetic fibre rope and buoys or clumps, offer greater breaking strength, less tension variation across tide levels, and clearer correlation with tidal changes. They also found that taut systems are more resilient to damage at equivalent tidal levels than catenary systems.

  • Researchers compared performance of catenary and taut mooring systems for offshore floating PV in ultra-shallow waters
  • Taut systems have greater breaking strength, less tension variation, clearer correlation with tidal changes
  • Taut systems are more resilient to damage than catenary systems at equivalent tidal levels
  • Effectiveness of mooring system depends on material and geometrical properties, environmental loads, and rigid floaters
  • Recommend taut mooring systems with buoys or clumps for floating PV in shallow water environments with severe tidal variation

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