Micromobility Europe Conference Heads to Amsterdam for Big Fun With Small Evs

Micromobility Europe, the euro-focused sister show of the Micromobility America conference, is one of the main
Electrek 11:47 am on June 4, 2024

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Micromobility Europe conference headlines to Amsterdam with e-bikes, showcasing a variety of small electric vehicles and key industry figures. Over 700 attendees anticipated for speakers, product launches, and discussions on the evolving market. Micah Toll covers significant events like panels and keynotes as part of this major trade event.

  • Event Details: Micromobility Europe conference in Amsterdam with over 700 attendees.
  • Key Highlights: E-bikes, various small electric vehicles, industry leaders' participation, panel discussions on market dynamics.
  • Notable Participant: Micah Toll covering the event as a correspondent.
  • Market Impact: Exploration of new products and business models post-pandemic trends in e-bike industry.


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