Mexico Still Believes Tesla Gigafactory Is Coming Despite Change Of Plans

The Mexican state of Nuevo León still believes that the previously announced Tesla Gigafactory is coming despite a
Electrek 5:54 pm on May 29, 2024

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Following Tesla's announcement of not proceeding with the Mexico Gigafactory due to economic uncertainties, Mexican authorities and business leaders continue to show optimism about its arrival. Despite a pivot towards Texas for manufacturing and recent U.S. trade policy concerns potentially affecting EV tariffs in Mexico, local officials maintain infrastructure developments aligned with Tesla's interests.

  • Mexican authorities remain optimistic about Tesla's Gigafactory despite project changes.
  • Local business leaders continue to believe the factory will arrive, investing in related infrastructure.
  • U.S. trade policy uncertainty may impact EV production through tariffs.
  • Mexican government's ongoing support with highway and utility projects for Tesla.
  • Tesla has not updated the construction timeline but is preparing for future development.

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