Meet the Woman Making Ikea More Sustainable

April 23, 2024: 10AM to 10:40AM ET 
Greenbiz 5:45 am on May 5, 2024

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Karen Pflug, the CSO of Ingka Group (Ikea), discusses Ikeas sustainable initiatives to promote circular consumption with Heather Clancy. This episode features insights on how Ikea's commitment to sustainability influences customer habits and revenue while implementing eco-friendly solutions like plant-based menus, reusable packaging, and furniture recycling services.

  • Leadership in Sustainability: Karen Pflug spearheads Ingka Group's sustainable approach with experience from Nike and Reebok.
  • Customer Influence on Sustainable Habits: Ikea encourages customers to adopt eco-conscious lifestyles, impacting revenue positively.
  • Retail Worker & Customer Engagement: Pflug includes workers and consumers in sustainability efforts at stores globally.
  • Circular Economy Design: Learning from designing for circularity is pivotal, as shared by Pflug's experiences.
  • Plant-Based Menus & Packaging Innovation: Ikea is transitioning to plant-based options and experimenting with reusable packaging solutions.

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