Meet Vessev and Its Ultra Efficient Electric Hydrofoil Boat Designed for Smooth Tourist Rides

A new all-electric maritime specialist called Vessev has come out of stealth mode with an exciting new vessel called theA new all-electric maritime specialist called Vessev has come out of stealth mode with an exciting new vessel called the.
Electrek 5:54 pm on May 29, 2024

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Vessev has unveiled the VS9, an all-electric hydrofoil boat promising a smooth and quiet experience for tourists. The company is collaborating with Fullers360 to commercialize this technology on a larger scale. Utilizing foiling technology from Formula 1 Cup competitions, the electric hydrofoil drastically reduces energy consumption by up to 95%. With room for ten passengers and capable of speeds over 25 knots, its range is impressive at 50 nautical miles with DC fast charges. The VS9 undergoes maritime trials in Auckland, New Zealand, aiming for certification soon after commercial operations commence.

  • Introduction of Vessev's VS9 electric hydrofoil boat.
  • Partnership with Fullers360 for large-scale adoption.
  • Use of Formula 1 Cup foiling technology, reducing energy consumption by up to 95%.
  • Capable of accommodating ten passengers and reaching speeds over 25 knots.
  • Maritime trials in Auckland with an aim for certification before commercial operations.
The appropriate category for this text would be: Electric Vehicles.

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