Make the Internal Business Case for Sustainability Investment

The ROSI framework provides a 5-step approach to unlock investment in sustainability initiatives.
Greenbiz 12:08 am on May 23, 2024

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This text discusses the Return On Sustainability Investment (ROSI) methodology, exemplified by Eileen Fisher's transportation changes for reduced GHG emissions and cost savings. ROSI considers both tangible and intangible benefits to identify business cases for sustainable initiatives, guiding future decision-making on early investments in areas like coal phase-out or water rights management. Key figures include Tensie Whelan and Chisara Ehiemere from NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business, offering ROSI research and education resources.

  • ROSI Methodology:
  • Eileen Fisher Example: Showcased transportation changes leading to GHG emissions reduction and cost savings.
  • Future Decision-Making: Illustrates using ROSI for early sustainability investments with a focus on broader impacts beyond conventional finances.
  • Educational Resources: NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business provides guidance and online courses to embed sustainability into business strategy.
  • Individual Contributors: Tensie Whelan and Chisara Ehiemere are highlighted as leaders in ROSI research and implementation at NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business.

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